Coding Conventions¶
Let's import a few variables from that will be used in the following lesson.
from context import (
One code, many layouts:¶
Consider the following fragment of python:
import species
def AddToReaction(name, reaction):
this could also have been written:
from species import Species
def add_to_reaction(a_name,
l_species = Species(a_name)
a_reaction.append( l_species )
reaction = {
"reactants": ["H", "H", "O"],
"products": ["H2O"]
Layout choices¶
- Brace style
- Line length
- Indentation
- Whitespace/Tabs
Inconsistency will produce a mess in your code! Some choices will make your code harder to read, whereas others may affect the code. For example, if you copy/paste code with tabs in a place that's using spaces, they may appear OK in your screen but it will fail when running it.
Naming Conventions¶
Camel case is used in the following example, where class name is in UpperCamel, functions in lowerCamel and underscore_separation for variable names.
class ClassName:
def methodName(variable_name):
instance_variable = variable_name
This other example uses underscore_separation for variable and function names, and CamelCase for class names. This convention is used broadly in the python community.
class ClassName:
def method_name(a_variable):
m_instance_variable = a_variable
Hungarian Notation¶
Prefix denotes type:
fNumber = float(sEntry) + iOffset
So in the example above we know that we are creating a f
loat number as a composition of a s
tring entry and an i
nteger offset.
People may find this useful in languages like Python where the type is intrisic in the variable.
number = float(entry) + offset
anothervariable += 1
if ((variable == anothervariable) and flag1 or flag2): do_something()
anothervariable = anothervariable + 1
variable_equality = (variable == anothervariable)
if ((variable_equality and flag1) or flag2):
We create extra variables as an intermediate step. Don't worry about the performance now, the compiler will do the right thing.
What about operator precedence? Being explicit helps to remind yourself what you are doing.
Syntax choices¶
- Explicit operator precedence
- Compound expressions
- Package import choices
Coding Conventions¶
You should try to have an agreed policy for your team for these matters.
If your language sponsor has a standard policy, use that. For example:
- Python: PEP8
- R: Google's guide for R, tidyverse style guide
- C++: Google's style guide, Mozilla's
- Julia: Official style guide
There are automated tools which enforce coding conventions and check for common mistakes.
These are called ** formatters** and linters. Some widely used linters and formatters in the Python ecosystem ar -
- pycodestyle: check your code against PEP8
- pylint: useful information about the quality of your code
- black: code formatter written in Python
- ruff: blazing fast code formatter and linter written in Rust with ideas borrowed from Pythonic linters and formatters
Most of such tools can be directly used on Python files / repositories using a CLI utility. For instance -
%%bash --no-raise-error
%%bash --no-raise-error
%%bash --no-raise-error
ruff check
These linters can be configured to choose which points to flag and which to ignore.
Do not blindly believe all these automated tools! Style guides are guides not rules.
It is a good idea to run a linter before every commit, or include it in your CI tests.
allows developers to add tools like linters and formatters
as git hooks, such that they run before every commit. The hooks can be installed locally using -
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install # provided a .pre-commit-config.yaml is present in your repository
This would run the checks every time a commit is created locally. The checks will only run on the files modified by that commit.
Finally, there are tools like editorconfig to help sharing the conventions used within a project, where each contributor uses different IDEs and tools. There are also bots like pep8speaks and that comments/run checks on contributors' pull requests suggesting what to change to follow the conventions for the project.