Let's import first the context for this chapter.
from context import *
Object-Oriented Design¶
In this session, we will finally discuss the thing most people think of when they refer to "Software Engineering": the deliberate design of software. We will discuss processes and methodologies for planned development of large-scale software projects: Software Architecture.
The software engineering community has, in large part, focused on an object-oriented approach to the design and development of large scale software systems. The basic concepts of object orientation are necessary to follow much of the software engineering conversation.
Design processes¶
In addition to object-oriented architecture, software engineers have focused on the development of processes for robust, reliable software development. These codified ways of working hope to enable organisations to repeatably and reliably complete complex software projects in a way that minimises both development and maintainance costs, and meets user requirements.
Design and research¶
Software engineering theory has largely been developed in the context of commercial software companies.
The extent to which the practices and processes developed for commercial software are applicable in a research context is itself an active area of research.
Recap of Object-Orientation¶
Classes: User defined types¶
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age
def grow_up(self):
self.age += 1
terry = Person("Terry", 76)
terry.home = "Colwyn Bay"
Notice, that in Python, you can add properties to an object once it's been defined. Just because you can doesn't mean you should!
Declaring a class¶
Class: A user-defined type
class MyClass:
Object instances¶
Instance: A particular object instantiated from a class.
my_object = MyClass()
Method: A function which is "built in" to a class
class MyClass:
def someMethod(self, argument):
my_object = MyClass()
Constructor: A special method called when instantiating a new object
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, argument):
my_object = MyClass(value)
Member Variable¶
Member variable: a value stored inside an instance of a class.
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.member = "Value"
my_object = MyClass()
assert(my_object.member == "Value")
from random import random
birds = [{"position": random(),
"velocity": random(),
"type": kind} for kind in bird_types]
average_position = average([bird["position"] for bird in birds])
class Bird:
def __init__(self, kind):
from random import random
self.type = type
self.position = random()
self.velocity = random()
birds = [Bird(kind) for kind in bird_types]
average_position = average([bird.position for bird in birds])
Replace function with a method¶
Smell: A function is always called with the same kind of thing
def can_see(source, target):
return (source.facing - target.facing) < source.viewport
if can_see(hawk, starling):
class Bird:
def can_see(self, target):
return (self.facing - target.facing) < self.viewport
if hawk.can_see(starling):
Replace method arguments with class members¶
Smell: A variable is nearly always used in arguments to a class.
class Person:
def __init__(self, genes):
self.genes = genes
def reproduce_probability(self, age): pass
def death_probability(self, age): pass
def emigrate_probability(self, age): pass
class Person:
def __init__(self, genes, age):
self.age = age
self.genes = genes
def reproduce_probability(self): pass
def death_probability(self): pass
def emigrate_probability(self): pass
Replace global variable with class and member¶
Smell: A global variable is referenced by a few functions
name = "Terry Jones"
birthday = [1, 2, 1942]
today = [22, 11]
if today == birthday[0:2]:
print(f"Happy Birthday, {name}")
print("No birthday for you today.")
class Person:
def __init__(self, birthday, name):
self.birth_day = birthday[0]
self.birth_month = birthday[1]
self.birth_year = birthday[2] = name
def check_birthday(self, today_day, today_month):
if not self.birth_day == today_day:
return False
if not self.birth_month == today_month:
return False
return True
def greet_appropriately(self, today):
if self.check_birthday(*today):
print(f"Happy Birthday, {}")
print("No birthday for you.")
john = Person([5, 5, 1943], "Michael Palin")
Object Oriented Refactoring Summary¶
- Replace ad-hoc structure with a class
- Replace function with a method
- Replace method argument with class member
- Replace global variable with class data