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Type module avail r to see the currently available versions of R.

The current version will always also exist as r/recommended - this is a module bundle and loading it will also load its many dependencies.

module show r/recommended shows you exactly which versions loading this module will give you.

R can be run on a single core or multithreaded using many cores (some commands can run threaded automatically, otherwise you may wish to look at R's parallel package).

doMPI, Rmpi and snow allow multi-node parallel jobs using MPI to be run.

List of additional R packages shows you what packages are installed and available for the current R version.


Before you can use R interactively, you need to load the R module using:

module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load r/recommended

Example serial jobscript§

This script runs R using only one core.

#!/bin/bash -l

# Example jobscript to run a single core R job

# Request ten minutes of wallclock time (format hours:minutes:seconds).
# Change this to suit your requirements.
#$ -l h_rt=0:10:0

# Request 1 gigabyte of RAM. Change this to suit your requirements.
#$ -l mem=1G

# Set the name of the job. You can change this if you wish.
#$ -N R_job_1

# Set the working directory to somewhere in your scratch space.  This is
# necessary because the compute nodes cannot write to your $HOME
# NOTE: this directory must exist.
# Replace "<your_UCL_id>" with your UCL user ID
#$ -wd /home/<your_UCL_id>/Scratch/R_output

# Your work must be done in $TMPDIR (serial jobs particularly) 

# Load the R module and run your R program
module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load r/recommended

R --no-save < /home/username/Scratch/myR_job.R > myR_job.out

# Preferably, tar-up (archive) all output files to transfer them back 
# to your space. This will include the R_output file above.
tar zcvf $HOME/Scratch/R_output/files_from_job_$JOB_ID.tgz $TMPDIR

# Make sure you have given enough time for the copy to complete!

You will need to change the -wd /home/<your_UCL_id>/Scratch/R_output location and the location of your R input file, called myR_job.R here. myR_job.out is the file we are redirecting the output into. The output file is saved in the tar archive produced by the last command in the runscript and will be in $HOME/Scratch/R_output.

If your jobscript is called then your job submission command would be:


Example shared memory threaded parallel job§

This script uses multiple cores on the same node. It cannot run across multiple nodes.

#!/bin/bash -l

# Example jobscript to run an OpenMP threaded R job across multiple cores on one node.
# This may be using the foreach packages foreach(...) %dopar% for example.

# Request ten minutes of wallclock time (format hours:minutes:seconds).
# Change this to suit your requirements.
#$ -l h_rt=0:10:0

# Request 1 gigabyte of RAM per core. Change this to suit your requirements.
#$ -l mem=1G

# Set the name of the job. You can change this if you wish.
#$ -N R_jobMC_2

# Select 12 threads. The number of threads here must equal the number of worker 
# processes in the registerDoMC call in your R program.
#$ -pe smp 12

# Set the working directory to somewhere in your scratch space.  This is
# necessary because the compute nodes cannot write to your $HOME
# NOTE: this directory must exist.
# Replace "<your_UCL_id>" with your UCL user ID
#$ -wd /home/<your_UCL_id>/Scratch/R_output

# Your work must be done in $TMPDIR

# Load the R module and run your R program
module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load r/recommended

R --no-save < /home/username/Scratch/myR_job.R > myR_job.out

# Preferably, tar-up (archive) all output files to transfer them back 
# to your space. This will include the R_output file above.
tar zcvf $HOME/Scratch/R_output/files_from_job_$JOB_ID.tgz $TMPDIR

# Make sure you have given enough time for the copy to complete!

You will need to change the -wd /home/<your_UCL_id>/Scratch/R_output location and the location of your R input file, called myR_job.R here. myR_job.out is the file we are redirecting the output into. The output file is saved in the tar archive produced by the last command in the runscript and will be in $HOME/Scratch/R_output.

If your jobscript is called then your job submission command would be:


Example multi-node parallel job using Rmpi and snow§

This script uses Rmpi and snow to allow it to run across multiple nodes using MPI.

#!/bin/bash -l

# Example jobscript to run an R MPI parallel job

# Request ten minutes of wallclock time (format hours:minutes:seconds).
#$ -l h_rt=0:10:0

# Request 1 gigabyte of RAM per process.
#$ -l mem=1G

# Request 15 gigabytes of TMPDIR space per node (default is 10 GB)
#$ -l tmpfs=15G

# Set the name of the job.
#$ -N snow_monte_carlo

# Select the MPI parallel environment with 32 processes
#$ -pe mpi 32

# Set the working directory to somewhere in your scratch space.  This is
# necessary because the compute nodes cannot write to your $HOME
# NOTE: this directory must exist.
# Replace "<your_UCL_id>" with your UCL user ID
#$ -wd /home/<your_UCL_id>/Scratch/R_output

# Load the R module
module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load r/recommended

# Copy example files in to the working directory (not necessary if already there)
cp ~/R/Examples/snow_example.R .
cp ~/R/Examples/monte_carlo.R .

# Run our MPI job. GERun is our wrapper for mpirun, which launches MPI jobs  
gerun RMPISNOW < snow_example.R > snow.out.${JOB_ID}

The output file is saved in $HOME/Scratch/R_examples/snow/snow.out.${JOB_ID}.

If your jobscript is called then your job submission command would be:


Example R script using Rmpi and snow§

This R script has been written to use Rmpi and snow and can be used with the above jobscript. It is snow_example.R above.

#Load the snow and random number package.

# This example uses the already installed LEcuyers RNG library(rlecuyer)

# Set up our input/output

# Get a reference to our snow cluster that has been set up by the RMPISNOW
# script.
cl <- getMPIcluster ()

# Display info about each process in the cluster
print(clusterCall(cl, function()

# Load the random number package on each R process
clusterEvalQ (cl, library (rlecuyer))

# Generate a seed for the pseudorandom number generator, unique to each
# processor in the cluster.

#Uncomment below line for default (unchanging) random number seed.
#clusterSetupRNG(cl, type = 'RNGstream')

#The lines below set up a time-based random number seed.  Note that 
#this only demonstrates the virtues of changing the seed; no guarantee
#is made that this seed is at all useful.  Comment out if you uncomment
#the above line.
s <- sum(strtoi(charToRaw(date()), base = 32))
clusterSetupRNGstream(cl, seed=rep(s,6))

#Choose which of the following blocks best fit your own needs.

# Set up the input to our Monte Carlo function.
# Input is identical across the batch, only RNG seed has changed. 
# For this example, both clusters will roll one die. 

nrolls <- 2
print("Roll the dice once...")
output <- clusterCall(cl, monte_carlo, nrolls)
print("Roll the dice again...")
output <- clusterCall(cl, monte_carlo, nrolls)

# Output should show the results of two rolls of a six-sided die.

# Input is different for each processor
print("Second example: coin flip plus 3 dice")
input <- array(1:2)  # Set up array of inputs, with each entry
input[1] <- 1        #   corresponding to one processor.
input[2] <- 3
parameters <- array(1:2)  # Set up inputs that will be used by each cluster.
parameters[1] <- 2        #   These will be passed to monte_carlo as its
parameters[2] <- 6        #   second argument.
output <- clusterApply(cl, input, monte_carlo, parameters)

# Output should show the results of a coin flip and the roll of three 
# six-sided die.

# Output the output.

inputStrings <- array(1:2)
inputStrings[1] <- 'abc'
inputStrings[2] <- 'def'
output <- clusterApply(cl, inputStrings, paste, 'foo')

#clusterEvalQ(cl, sinkWorkerOutput("snow_monte_carlo.out"))

# Clean up the cluster and release the relevant resources.


This is monte_carlo.R which is called by snow_example.R:

monte_carlo <- function(x, numsides=6){
  streamname <- .lec.GetStreams ()
  dice <-[1], n = 1, a=1, b=numsides)
  outp <- sum(dice)

This example was based on SHARCNET's Using R and MPI.

Using your own R packages§

If we do not have R packages installed centrally that you wish to use, you can install them in your space on the cluster and tell R where to find them.

First you need to tell R where to install your package to and where to look for user-installed packages, using the R library path.

Set your R library path§

There are several ways to modify your R library path so you can pick up packages that you have installed in your own space.

The easiest way is to add them to the R_LIBS environment variable (insert the correct path):

export R_LIBS=/your/local/R/library/path:$R_LIBS

This is a colon-separated list of directories that R will search through.

Setting that in your terminal will let you install to that path from inside R and should also be put in your jobscript (or your .bashrc) when you submit a job using those libraries. This appends your directory to the existing value of $R_LIBS rather than overwriting it so the centrally-installed libraries can still be found.

You can also change the library path for a session from within R:


This puts your directory at the beginning of R's search path, and means that install.packages() will automatically put packages there and the library() function will find libraries in your local directory.

Install an R package§

To install, after setting your library path:

From inside R, you can do

install.packages('package_name', repos="")

Or if you have downloaded the tar file, you can do

R CMD INSTALL -l /home/username/your_R_libs_directory package.tar.gz

If you want to keep some libraries separate, you can have multiple colon-separated paths in your $R_LIBS and specify which one you want to install into with R CMD INSTALL.


If you are installing extra packages for BioConductor, check that you are using the same version that the R module you have loaded is using.

Eg. you can find the BioConductor 3.15 package downloads here.